Category Archives: Uncategorized

How to Future-Proof Your Healthcare Website [eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Webinar]

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists

Wednesday | June 5, 2024 | 2 p.m. Eastern

In this webinar a panel of digital marketing and technology experts, including leaders from award-winning health systems, will share how they achieve success for their organizations, and how you can, too.

Your Presenters:

  • Kevin Smith, Assistant Vice President, Digital Engagement, Baptist Health (KY)
  • Matt Schwabel, Executive Director, Marketing Technology & Operations, UNC Health
  • Michael Kincaid, Chief Technology Officer, Reason One
  • Stephen Barry, Product Owner, Lee Health

Moderated by:

  • Jane Weber Brubaker, Executive Editor, Plain-English Health care

Many healthcare organizations are grappling with how to future-proof their websites in the aftermath of the pandemic and in light of the recent HHS guidance regarding HIPAA compliance for websites. Key questions to consider include:

Does your website provide a consumer-focused experience?
Is the technology HIPAA-compliant and adaptable?
Does your website empower users to engage, with tools like self-scheduling, symptom-checking, and finding a doctor by location?

If not, you may need a major site redesign. But what’s the best approach? Should you start from scratch and re-platform? Or can you replace parts of your stack with solutions that better meet your organization’s needs? Is a composable tech stack with interchangeable solutions a better way to ensure your website meets the needs of your organization?

Join us for a free webinar on Wednesday June 5 at 2 p.m. Eastern where you’ll hear from technology and digital marketing leaders including Best Site Design Platinum Award winners from the 2023 eHealthcare Leadership Awards.

You’ll learn:

  • How to evaluate your current state and define the desired future state
  • Considerations for selecting the right technology
  • Best practices for gaining buy-in from stakeholders
  • How to develop a plan and timeline
  • Why a web steering committee is essential
  • How to measure success
  • And much much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date:   Wenesday, June 5, 2024
Time:   2 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Central, 12 p.m. Mountain, 11 a.m. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:  This event is free to attend thanks to our event sponsor.

Vital Signs: The State of Healthcare Digital Marketing, 2024 [eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Webinar]

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists 

Tuesday   |    May 14, 2024   |    2 P.M. Eastern 

With AI, new HHS Guidance and post-pandemic budgets, healthcare marketing is changing rapidly. Join us for a free webinar to learn digital strategy insights from a new survey of healthcare organizations and their partners.

Your Presenter:

  • Ben Dillon, Chief Executive Officer, Geonetric

The digital marketing divide is widening, with some organizations prioritizing transformation while others focus on cost-cutting measures.  

The Digital Healthcare Marketing Trends survey, sponsored by Geonetric and eHealthcare Strategy & Trends, returns with insights into how organizations are crafting their digital strategy, including budgets, investments and marketing channel importance.  
Join us for our SNEAK PEEK webinar to discover today’s healthcare trends and receive critical benchmarking information as you plan your own digital strategy efforts.
Based on these findings, this free webinar will give marketers the insights you need to stay on top of how the healthcare marketing industry is changing.

You’ll Learn:

  • Where budgets and staffing are being adjusted after healthcare’s post-pandemic financial crisis
  • What digital investments health systems are prioritizing in the coming year
  • How health systems are adapting to the recent HIPAA guidance on marketing tracking technology
  • The variety of ways healthcare marketers are using generative AI tools and the barriers that exist
  • And much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date:   Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Time:   2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:  Free, thanks to our event sponsors.

eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Offers New Webinar on Reimagining CRM for Health Systems with an Enterprise-Wide Approach

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists 

Thursday  |  April 25, 2024   |  2 P.M. Eastern

CRM is evolving, enabling healthcare leaders to synchronize and prioritize high-value communications that drive profitability and support patients on their healthcare journey. If you’re on a plateau between the promise of CRM and the reality, this webinar will help you understand how to reach new heights.

Your Presenter:

  • Abhi Sharma, Chief Product Officer, Loyal

There’s a shift going on in healthcare organizations. CRM is no longer a technology solution used exclusively by marketers for patient acquisition — and that’s a good thing.

Call center reps, service line leaders, population health teams, and others are increasingly communicating with patients and consumers — reminding them of upcoming appointments, informing them of screenings that are due or past due, sending pre-op or discharge instructions, and more.

What’s the best way for healthcare organizations to manage patient and consumer communications across the enterprise? How can leaders gain visibility across each area?

Join us for a free webinar on Thursday April 25 at 2 p.m. ET to hear from a top industry expert who will share how CRM has evolved and discuss best practices that can help your organization take full advantage of state-of-the-art CRM capabilities.

You’ll learn:

  • What the current state of CRM is in healthcare, and why it often falls short.
  • How to structure CRM for enterprise-wide success.
  • Best practices for implementation, governance, and strategy.
  • How to set priorities that align with the strategic plan when launching campaigns.
  • How a CRM can scale communications using real-time data and rules-based automated campaigns.
  • What to consider when choosing a CRM solution.

And much much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date:   Thursday, April 25, 2024
Time:   2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:   This event is free to attend thanks to our event sponsor.

eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Offers New Webinar on Enhancing Patient Experience with Effective Provider Data Management Strategies

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists 

Wednesday  |  March 13, 2024   |  2 P.M. Eastern

Your Presenters:

  • Jeff Stewart, VP of Strategic Marketing, CHRISTUS Health 
  • Val Lopez, Assistant Vice President, Digital Marketing and Technology, Baptist Health
  • Jessica West, Director, Content & Media, Piedmont
  • Keir Bradshaw, EVP, Solution Consultant, MERGE

Join us as we delve into the critical role of provider data management in enhancing the patient experience. Our panel of healthcare marketing leaders will discuss the latest strategies and technological advances designed to streamline provider data accuracy, compliance, and utilization. Learn how to leverage these insights to empower your patients with accurate information and improved access to care.

Join us for a free webinar on Wednesday March 13 at 2 p.m. ET where you’ll hear from our panel of hospital and health system leaders as they share best practices for implementing effective provider data management strategies and improving the patient experience.

You’ll learn:

  • Insights into how precise provider data impacts patient trust and the overall efficiency of healthcare delivery systems.
  • How innovative technologies and systems can assist in the effective management and maintenance of provider data to ensure compliance and enhance patient care.
  • Best practices for implementing a robust provider data management strategy that can directly improve the patient experience.

And much much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date:   Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Time:   2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:   This event is free to attend thanks to our event sponsor.

Privacy-First: How to Ensure Your Healthcare Marketing Aligns with HIPAA [eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Webinar]

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists 

Thursday  |  February 1, 2024   |  2 P.M. Eastern

It may come as a surprise, but taking a privacy-first approach to marketing can unlock technologies and tactics that many healthcare organizations have considered off-limits until now. Learn how you can create a safe-by-default tech stack, eliminate sensitive data, and still have visibility into the customer journey.

Your Presenters:

  • Ray Mina, Head of Marketing, Freshpaint 
  • Doriann Cain, Partner, Faegre Drinker
  • Bridget O’Connor, COO, Fortalice Solutions
  • Edward Rafalski, Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer, BayCare Health System

A little over a year ago, HHS and OCR issued a HIPAA bulletin focused on consumer privacy and the use of tracking technologies that seemed poised to bring digital healthcare marketing to a screeching halt.

Fortunately, solutions have emerged. Organizations that have adopted new processes are successfully using tracking tools without risking a HIPAA breach. If you’re not there yet, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Join us for a free webinar on Thursday February 1 at 2 p.m. ET where you’ll hear from legal, data security, and technology experts, and you’ll learn how healthcare organizations gather insights into customer journeys using tracking tools while protecting sensitive information and maintaining compliance with HIPAA.

You’ll learn:

  • What it means to be privacy-first.
  • Who needs to be involved in process change.
  • How to have constructive conversations with legal and compliance.
  • Why web trackers don’t comply with HIPAA.
  • Which tools you need a BAA (Business Associate Agreement) for.
  • What to do if you can’t get a BAA.

And much much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date: Thursday, February 1, 2024
Time: 2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration: 60 Minutes
Cost: This event is free to attend thanks to our event sponsor.

Practical Applications of AI in Healthcare Marketing: Elevating Patient & Employee Engagement and ROI [eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Webinar]

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists

Wednesday | December 13, 2023 | 2 P.M. Eastern

While there is a lot of noise and hype around AI, this session will focus on taking a practical approach to AI in healthcare marketing. Prepare to be inspired by real-world examples showcasing AI’s transformative impact on consumer engagement, internal communications, and even healthcare recruitment.

Your Presenters:

  • Jenny Collopy, VP, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, The Christ Hospital Health Network
  • John Elder, Co-Founder and CEO, Supernatural
  • Mike Barrett, Co-Founder and CSO, Supernatural
  • Bianca Chaer, Strategist, Supernatural

On the heels of the pandemic and recurring staffing shortages, the healthcare sector has had a challenging few years. The need for more relevant content covering more channels—both externally and internally—has been increasing, while budgets generally have not kept pace with demand. It seems that every year healthcare marketers are asked to do more with less.

Join us for a dive deep into the topic of AI for healthcare marketing and how it can help your organization overcome some of the challenges our industry faces.

You’ll hear from Jenny Collopy, the CMO of The Christ Hospital Health Network, who will share her experiences with, hopes for, and challenges with AI in healthcare communications.

And you’ll hear from experts at Supernatural who have developed an AI-powered platform that helps clients get more work done in less time. Discover how they work with clients to better understand patients, how those patients make decisions, and what their needs are.

Join us December 13 and you’ll discover how to leverage AI to help gain a better understanding of your audience, how to use it to create an external campaign and infuse consistent messaging throughout your organization. You’ll get examples of quick-turn video scripts and social objects, as well as best practices and how to get started.\

You’ll learn:

  • An overview of the general AI landscape: different types of AI, how they are used, and presenters’ point of view on the risk/reward equation of these tools.
  • How to do more than just “Use ChatGPT”
  • The current landscape of AI in healthcare marketing, specifically how more relevant content can help improve marketing outcomes.
  • Where AI is making an impact for people in their day-to-day workflow, right now.
  • How AI can help understand and address the needs of different populations effectively.
  • How AI can customize content to live across multiple platforms for a variety of different audiences.
  • How AI can help optimize healthcare marketing campaigns — specifically:
    • How AI can help you understand the competitive environment
    • How you can use AI to make content
    • How you can use AI to evaluate that content
    • How you can use AI for channel strategy and media planning
And much much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Time: 2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration: 60 Minutes
Cost: Free, thanks to our event sponsor.

Everything You Wanted to Know About AI and Healthcare Marketing … But Were Afraid to Ask [eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Webinar]

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists

Wednesday  |  November 15, 2023   |  2 P.M. Eastern 

The buzz around artificial intelligence in healthcare is everywhere, and it is challenging to accurately evaluate AI’s promises to healthcare marketers. Here’s your chance to “talk tech” with AI experts about AI in healthcare marketing and explore how your organization can use AI-based technologies to accelerate your strategic priorities — and avoid the very real risks.

Your Presenters:

  • Rachelle Montano, Vice President of Clinical Strategy, Loyal
  • Matt Cohen, Director of AI, Loyal

Artificial Intelligence is already embedded in many things we do in marketing, from chatbots to social listening to customer insights and more — and it’s only going to grow in importance.

What should a healthcare marketer like you focus on when evaluating AI solutions? What are the risks? Do they outweigh the potential benefits? And how do you factor in the risk of doing nothing and being left behind?

Join us for a free webinar on November 15 at 2 p.m. ET to hear from healthcare industry veteran Rachelle Montano and Loyal’s Director of AI Matt Cohen as they discuss the pros and cons and demystify the hype around artificial intelligence in healthcare.

You’ll learn:

  • About different types of AI technologies and their real use cases.
  • How to evaluate AI-based solutions for your organization and get past the hype.
  • Concrete ways that AI technologies are enhancing marketing today. 
  • Where the biggest risks lurk for healthcare marketers and when you need to proceed with caution. 
  • How to safely test the waters before diving in … so you can avoid the dangers posed by being left behind.
  • What the future holds.

And much more!

Whether your organization is a leader or a lagger in deploying these technologies in your marketing, we guarantee you’ll come away with a deeper understanding of the different types of AI and their potential at your organization — from Natural Language Processing (NLP) to Machine Learning (ML), Predictive Modeling, and Generative AI tools like ChatGPT and others.

Webinar at a Glance

Date:  Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Time:   2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:   This event is free to attend thanks to our event sponsor.

Margo Schneider and Sarah Sommer Join Editorial Advisory Board of eHST

Margo Schneider, senior executive director of digital strategy at UW Medicine

The eHST Editorial Advisory Board is made up of leaders in the healthcare marketing field committed to shaping the future of the industry. They offer ongoing feedback on our editorial coverage, write occasional articles, and point us to developments and people eHST members like you should know about.

I’m very pleased to announce that Margo Schneider and Sarah Sommer have joined this elite group.

Margo Schneider is the Senior Executive Director of Digital Strategy at UW Medicine, where she leads technology, digital experience, content marketing, and creative teams to advance digital innovations that improve the health of the public. Margo also serves on the board of directors for Amplio, a Seattle-based global health nonprofit that develops inclusive digital technology for governments and international development organizations. Read her full bio here.

Sarah Sommer, vice president, digital engagement at Geisinger

Sarah Sommer, MBA, is the Vice President for Digital Engagement within the marketing and communications department at Geisinger. She leads the digital engagement team and is responsible for Geisinger’s enterprise digital marketing and engagement technology portfolio. Read her full bio here.

The other members of the eHST Editorial Advisory Board are:

Ben Dillon, Co-Owner and Chief Executive Officer, Geonetric

Kathy Divis, President, Greystone.Net

Dan Dunlop, President & CEO, Jennings

Danny Fell, Healthcare Leader and Brand Strategist

John Halamka, MD, President, Mayo Clinic Platform

Dalal Haldeman, Ph.D., CEO, Haldeman Marketing, LLC


Suzanne Sawyer, Marketing Communications Health Executive Leader

We are grateful to these Editorial Advisory Board members for sharing their experience and insights, and for helping us deliver insightful content that makes a difference to members like you.

Best regards,
Matt Humphrey

eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Offers New Webinar on Recent HIPAA Guidance From HHS

A new IASC webinar for leaders at senior care and LTC facilities.

Wednesday  | October 4, 2023  |  2 P.M. Eastern 

Late last year, the Department of Health and Human Services released new guidance on HIPAA regulations to cover online tracking technologies that could compromise consumer privacy. Healthcare marketers must take a proactive role in responding. Are you ready?

Your Presenter:

Ben Dillon, Co-Owner and Chief Executive Officer, Geonetric

In December 2022, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released new guidance on the use of marketing tracking technology under HIPAA. Recent communications from HHS and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) indicate that covered entities should be moving now to make the required changes.

Unfortunately, the guidance has raised more questions than it has answered. A recent study suggests that if the guidance is taken at face value, 99 percent of health systems fail to meet the new standards.

To better understand how the industry is responding, Geonetric conducted its own analysis, and through conversations with dozens of healthcare organizations and their compliance and legal teams, identified a wide range of interpretations of the new rules. Based on these findings, this webinar will give marketers the tools you need to help your organization navigate these significant changes.

Join us for a free webinar on Wednesday, Oct. 4, and hear just how much the HHS guidance impacts healthcare — and how the impact goes far beyond ad tracking technologies.  

You’ll learn:

  • What the HHS guidance is, and how it relates to PHI and HIPAA
  • Why every healthcare organization should be thinking about how they use marketing trackers and other ad technologies.
  • Implications for healthcare that go beyond tracking pixels.
  • How to engage in a risk assessment process.
  • How to develop a process for achieving and maintaining compliance in the future.
  • And much more!

How to Design a Dining Plan That Works for Senior Living Communities [iAdvance Senior Care Webinar]

How to Design a Dining Plan That Works for Senior Living Communities

A new IASC webinar for leaders at senior care and LTC facilities.

Wednesday |    August 30, 2023    |    1 p.m. Eastern

Your Presenters:

  • Don Bundren, Food Solution Design and Culinary Director, Sodexo Seniors
  • Christy Turner, General Manager, Dining Services, Garden Spot Village (New Holland, PA)
  • Steve Muller, Chief Operating Officer, Garden Spot Village (New Holland, PA)

Successful senior care communities recognize the significance of personalized dining plans. Gone are the days of standardized meal offerings that fail to cater to individual preferences or dietary restrictions. Today, communities must understand that the dining experience plays a crucial role in promoting health, fostering social connections, and enhancing the overall satisfaction of residents.

 Join us on Wednesday, August 30, for a fast-paced, interactive session with three expert presenters, including the general manager of dining services and the chief operating officer for a continuing care retirement community in New Holland, Pennsylvania, and the food solution design and culinary director of Sodexo Seniors.

 You’ll gain a sharper understanding of the essential considerations when designing dining facilities for senior care communities. suggestions on how to create inviting and accessible spaces that promote comfort, social interaction, address dietary restrictions, and individual preferences effectively.

 You’ll learn: 

  • How customized dining plans can positively impact the well-being and quality of life for seniors in your care communities
  • Essential considerations when designing dining facilities to meet the unique needs of your senior residents 
  • How you can use technology to enhance the dining experience
  • How to effectively address many of the challenges that you are likely to face when creating a dining plan
  • And much, much more!

Don’t miss it!

Webinar at a Glance

Date:   Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Time:   1:00 P.M. Eastern, 12:00 P.M. Central, 11:00 P.M. Mountain, 10:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:   Free, thanks to our event sponsor.