Inside the Mind of Today’s Healthcare Consumer: Comprehensive Study Offers Insights for Marketers [Strategic Health Care Marketing Webinar]

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A new Strategic Health Care Marketing webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists

Inside the Mind of Today’s Healthcare Consumer: Comprehensive Study Offers Insights for Marketers

Understand the mindset of today’s healthcare consumer and how to more effectively communicate with them. Gain insights to inform your marketing plans. Join us for a free webinar to hear the latest on what consumers really think from the 12th annual Klein & Partners National Consumer Insights Study (NCIS).

Wednesday    |   July 17, 2024    |   2 p.m. Eastern

Your Presenter:
Rob Klein
Founder & CEO, Klein & Partners

Rob Klein

Sponsored by:

Klein & partners logo

This event is free to attend thanks to our event sponsor.

Understanding consumer preferences and behaviors has become paramount for healthcare marketers. Gone are the days when consumers passively accept healthcare recommendations. Today’s consumers are well-informed, discerning, and demand personalized experiences tailored to their unique needs.

This shift towards healthcare consumerism makes it essential to understand the mindset and expectations of the modern healthcare consumer.

The Klein & Partners National Consumer Insights Study conducted a comprehensive survey of 1,000 adult healthcare decision-makers across the country, exploring a wide array of topics.

The study offers valuable insights into the preferences, behaviors, and perceptions of individuals responsible for making healthcare decisions, providing a nuanced understanding of the evolving landscape of healthcare consumerism.

Join us for a free webinar on July 17 to get a comprehensive overview of the study, highlighting the invaluable national insights and year-over-year trends that will enable you to make better-informed decisions and tailor your marketing for maximum effectiveness.

You’ll learn:

  • Why creating loyalty at the PCP level is key to brand stability and growth
  • How to attract Gen Z as a ‘future’ customer? (Hint: Brands must invest in people before people invest in brands)
  • The reality of consumer reactions to AI in healthcare
  • Who is on the digital healthcare highway and what are they doing now
  • What is COVID-brain in the non-clinical sense, and what it means for your marketing
  • And much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date:   Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Time:   2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:   This event is free to attend, thanks to our event sponsor.

Can’t attend on July 17?
Register now and get the webinar recording to view at your convenience.
Everyone who registers will be sent a link to the webinar recording after the event.

What You Must Know to Prevent and Resolve Neighbor-to-Neighbor Disputes—Including When to Act and Not to Act [ Webinar]

What You Must Know to Prevent and Resolve Neighbor-to-Neighbor Disputes—Including When to Act and Not to Act

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, July 11, 2024
2-3 p.m. Eastern

Even in the best-run communities, neighbors will have disputes. And sometimes neighbor-to-neighbor disputes are your business—though it’s not always easy to know when that’s the case.

Join us for a must-attend webinar on July 11 where you’ll hear from community association lawyers with decades of experience in advising associations on how the landscape has changed in the past decade over when boards need to step into owners’ battles with their neighbors.

You’ll learn:

  • How to distinguish between a neighbor-to-neighbor dispute and one actually involving the association—and why it matters
  • Why it’s important to keep an eye on owners’ skirmishes to ensure that the association knows when to step in as disputes evolve
  • The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s guidance issued in 2016 requiring community associations to act, even if it appears a clash involves only residents, not the association
  • What HUD’s rule requires of an association in resolving residents’ wars, including examples of comments or behavior based on race, sexual orientation, nation of origin, or other discriminatory factors that could trigger the association’s duty to act
  • Tips for heading off on-the-ground disputes among neighbors
  • Tactics for de-escalating conflict to ensure all residents feel secure in the neighborhood

In just 60 minutes, you’ll get the information you need to know when and how to act when neighbors are in conflict. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.

How to Future-Proof Your Healthcare Website [eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Webinar]

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists

Wednesday | June 5, 2024 | 2 p.m. Eastern

In this webinar a panel of digital marketing and technology experts, including leaders from award-winning health systems, will share how they achieve success for their organizations, and how you can, too.

Your Presenters:

  • Kevin Smith, Assistant Vice President, Digital Engagement, Baptist Health (KY)
  • Matt Schwabel, Executive Director, Marketing Technology & Operations, UNC Health
  • Michael Kincaid, Chief Technology Officer, Reason One
  • Stephen Barry, Product Owner, Lee Health

Moderated by:

  • Jane Weber Brubaker, Executive Editor, Plain-English Health care

Many healthcare organizations are grappling with how to future-proof their websites in the aftermath of the pandemic and in light of the recent HHS guidance regarding HIPAA compliance for websites. Key questions to consider include:

Does your website provide a consumer-focused experience?
Is the technology HIPAA-compliant and adaptable?
Does your website empower users to engage, with tools like self-scheduling, symptom-checking, and finding a doctor by location?

If not, you may need a major site redesign. But what’s the best approach? Should you start from scratch and re-platform? Or can you replace parts of your stack with solutions that better meet your organization’s needs? Is a composable tech stack with interchangeable solutions a better way to ensure your website meets the needs of your organization?

Join us for a free webinar on Wednesday June 5 at 2 p.m. Eastern where you’ll hear from technology and digital marketing leaders including Best Site Design Platinum Award winners from the 2023 eHealthcare Leadership Awards.

You’ll learn:

  • How to evaluate your current state and define the desired future state
  • Considerations for selecting the right technology
  • Best practices for gaining buy-in from stakeholders
  • How to develop a plan and timeline
  • Why a web steering committee is essential
  • How to measure success
  • And much much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date:   Wenesday, June 5, 2024
Time:   2 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Central, 12 p.m. Mountain, 11 a.m. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:  This event is free to attend thanks to our event sponsor.

Vital Signs: The State of Healthcare Digital Marketing, 2024 [eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Webinar]

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists 

Tuesday   |    May 14, 2024   |    2 P.M. Eastern 

With AI, new HHS Guidance and post-pandemic budgets, healthcare marketing is changing rapidly. Join us for a free webinar to learn digital strategy insights from a new survey of healthcare organizations and their partners.

Your Presenter:

  • Ben Dillon, Chief Executive Officer, Geonetric

The digital marketing divide is widening, with some organizations prioritizing transformation while others focus on cost-cutting measures.  

The Digital Healthcare Marketing Trends survey, sponsored by Geonetric and eHealthcare Strategy & Trends, returns with insights into how organizations are crafting their digital strategy, including budgets, investments and marketing channel importance.  
Join us for our SNEAK PEEK webinar to discover today’s healthcare trends and receive critical benchmarking information as you plan your own digital strategy efforts.
Based on these findings, this free webinar will give marketers the insights you need to stay on top of how the healthcare marketing industry is changing.

You’ll Learn:

  • Where budgets and staffing are being adjusted after healthcare’s post-pandemic financial crisis
  • What digital investments health systems are prioritizing in the coming year
  • How health systems are adapting to the recent HIPAA guidance on marketing tracking technology
  • The variety of ways healthcare marketers are using generative AI tools and the barriers that exist
  • And much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date:   Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Time:   2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:  Free, thanks to our event sponsors.

How to Make Your Architectural Review Committee More Fair and Effective [ Webinar]

How to Make Your Architectural Review Committee More Fair and Effective

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
2-3 p.m. Eastern

A North Carolina case, Duff v. The Sanctuary at Lake Wylie Property Owners Association, sums up the challenges with architectural review committees—they often don’t have great policies and procedures, and they can get your condo or HOA into big legal trouble.

In Duff, the court held that an HOA’s ARC essentially put homeowners through the motions with no intention of approving their architectural requests. That arbitrariness cost the HOA dearly—$70,000 in punitive damages alone.

Duff isn’t the first case in which an ARC acted improperly, and it won’t be the last. But we can help you ensure your community’s ARC doesn’t land your association in similarly choppy waters—and we can help you tackle the new questions ARCs face today as a result of challenges triggered by new focus on structural issues as a result of the Surfside, Fla., condo collapse.

Join us for an in-depth webinar on May 15, when two community association lawyers will help you understand how you can strengthen your ARC to ensure fewer headaches, happier owners, and a fairer, more consistent outcome.

You’ll get clear and helpful information on:

  • The many different ways governing documents address architectural review (some allow broad powers, others less, some have a separate and independent committee, others don’t)
  • A review of a few cases in various states showing the ways ARCs got community associations in legal trouble
  • Who should be on your ARC and whether you can make changes whenever you think it would improve your processes
  • How to determine which architectural changes need to be approved by your ARC and which don’t—and whether that standard has changed today temporarily or permanently as a result of scrutiny post-Surfside
  • The factors the ARC should consider in reviewing requests—every single time they get a request, along with tips for reviewing applications
  • Whether your ARC or board can control or influence owners’ decisions about whether they can have workers on site inside and outside their homes, and when it might be wise to do so, if it’s possible
  • How you and your ARC members can improve consistency and predictability for owners by creating a historical record to ensure ARC members today, and those in five years, are aware of past decisions
  • How owners can appeal ARC decisions
  • Dos and don’ts when it comes to ARC practices
  • And much more!

In one hour, you’ll receive information you can implement immediately to ensure your ARC operates professionally and consistently—and ultimately that your owners will understand and respect your ARC’s decisions. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.

eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Offers New Webinar on Reimagining CRM for Health Systems with an Enterprise-Wide Approach

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists 

Thursday  |  April 25, 2024   |  2 P.M. Eastern

CRM is evolving, enabling healthcare leaders to synchronize and prioritize high-value communications that drive profitability and support patients on their healthcare journey. If you’re on a plateau between the promise of CRM and the reality, this webinar will help you understand how to reach new heights.

Your Presenter:

  • Abhi Sharma, Chief Product Officer, Loyal

There’s a shift going on in healthcare organizations. CRM is no longer a technology solution used exclusively by marketers for patient acquisition — and that’s a good thing.

Call center reps, service line leaders, population health teams, and others are increasingly communicating with patients and consumers — reminding them of upcoming appointments, informing them of screenings that are due or past due, sending pre-op or discharge instructions, and more.

What’s the best way for healthcare organizations to manage patient and consumer communications across the enterprise? How can leaders gain visibility across each area?

Join us for a free webinar on Thursday April 25 at 2 p.m. ET to hear from a top industry expert who will share how CRM has evolved and discuss best practices that can help your organization take full advantage of state-of-the-art CRM capabilities.

You’ll learn:

  • What the current state of CRM is in healthcare, and why it often falls short.
  • How to structure CRM for enterprise-wide success.
  • Best practices for implementation, governance, and strategy.
  • How to set priorities that align with the strategic plan when launching campaigns.
  • How a CRM can scale communications using real-time data and rules-based automated campaigns.
  • What to consider when choosing a CRM solution.

And much much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date:   Thursday, April 25, 2024
Time:   2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:   This event is free to attend thanks to our event sponsor.

How Bad HOA and Condo Boards Hurt Themselves: Expert Community Managers Offer “Tough Love” Your Board Can’t Afford to Ignore [ Webinar]

How Bad HOA and Condo Boards Hurt Themselves: Expert Community Managers Offer “Tough Love” Your Board Can’t Afford to Ignore

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, April 18, 2024
2-3 p.m. Eastern

Community managers Katie Anderson and Brad van Rooyen have nearly 40 years of expertise in the industry and own their own firms. And they recently told that they have fired more condo and HOA boards in the past year than they ever have.

“We have condos in our area that can’t find a manager who’ll work with them,” says van Rooyen. “They’re self-managing because they have no other choice.”

“I have a feeling these associations are going to crush the industry,” he adds. “Nobody’s going to want to go into the association management industry. That will make property values go down. And it will cause legislation governing condos and HOAs to become more draconian and regulatory than it already is.”

Don’t get Anderson and van Rooyen wrong—they love their work, and they love their clients—the ones they keep. They say there are many, many good board members out there. But a few bad apples on a board can ruin things for the whole community, and if that happens, your condo or HOA could be forced to manage itself or forced to pay a fortune to get a manager who’ll tolerate the damage those few leaders heap on the manager.

The good news is that these pros have offer tough love that will help you operate your community smarter and with less conflict, get the best work out of your manager without paying a fortune, and deal effectively with those board members who could do lasting damage to your community.

Join us for this webinar and you’ll learn:

  • The types of lawsuits they’re seeing more frequently among their clients, and the board actions that trigger those lawsuits
  • How the spike in lawsuits costs condo and HOA board members more stress and their communities more money
  • The growth in recall votes and contested elections they’re both experiencing among their clients and the lessons for board members nationwide
  • Why you should work hard to avoid these problems (spoiler alert: They damage property values for everyone in the condo or HOA)
  • What you can reasonably expect from your managers, the services that will cost more—and the types of requests that are so unreasonable that managers will decline to renew your contract or even fire your community as a client
  • The concrete steps your board can take today to reduce your risk of lawsuits, recalls, and ugly, contested elections
  • Tips for effectively curbing the damage done by board members with an agenda that’s not in the best interest of the community

In just one hour, you’ll understand the changes your community could face in the future and hear actionable information you can use to best position your community for a smooth and successful future. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.

Condo/HOA Leader Do’s and Don’ts: The Roles and Duties of the HOA President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director [ webinar]

Condo/HOA Leader Do’s and Don’ts: The Roles and Duties of the HOA President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, March 14, 2024
2-3 p.m. Eastern

Let’s first say thank you for volunteering to lead your condo or HOA, whether you’re president, a board member, or serving in another role. It’s a hard job, and you’re making your community a better place to live with your efforts.

But do you know exactly what you’re supposed to be doing—and not doing—in your leadership role? Have you read the job description (have you seen one?)? Do you know what the law requires of you? Do you know what actions would be considered overstepping your role?

We’ve got you covered. Join us for a March 14 webinar to hear two experienced community association lawyers walk you through:

  • The difference between a condo/HOA director and an officer
  • The role and authority of a condo/HOA president
  • What a condo/HOA treasurer is responsible for, particularly if your management company handles your community’s financials
  • The duties of a condo/HOA secretary
  • What’s expected of a condo/HOA director at large
  • Where vice presidents fit into condos/HOAs
  • What to know if you’re a committee chair or member
  • Your board’s authority to create additional officer positions
  • Why some officers may have special voting or veto rights
  • Can—and should—your members hold multiple offices at the same time?
  • The election and removal of officers, when members refuse an office, and resignation of an officer position
  • Where condo/HOA leaders overstep their authority and where they don’t step up but should
  • What can happen to you if you don’t do your job or you go rogue?

In just 60 minutes, you’ll get job descriptions and tips for effectively carrying out your obligations as a leader in your community. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.

eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Offers New Webinar on Enhancing Patient Experience with Effective Provider Data Management Strategies

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists 

Wednesday  |  March 13, 2024   |  2 P.M. Eastern

Your Presenters:

  • Jeff Stewart, VP of Strategic Marketing, CHRISTUS Health 
  • Val Lopez, Assistant Vice President, Digital Marketing and Technology, Baptist Health
  • Jessica West, Director, Content & Media, Piedmont
  • Keir Bradshaw, EVP, Solution Consultant, MERGE

Join us as we delve into the critical role of provider data management in enhancing the patient experience. Our panel of healthcare marketing leaders will discuss the latest strategies and technological advances designed to streamline provider data accuracy, compliance, and utilization. Learn how to leverage these insights to empower your patients with accurate information and improved access to care.

Join us for a free webinar on Wednesday March 13 at 2 p.m. ET where you’ll hear from our panel of hospital and health system leaders as they share best practices for implementing effective provider data management strategies and improving the patient experience.

You’ll learn:

  • Insights into how precise provider data impacts patient trust and the overall efficiency of healthcare delivery systems.
  • How innovative technologies and systems can assist in the effective management and maintenance of provider data to ensure compliance and enhance patient care.
  • Best practices for implementing a robust provider data management strategy that can directly improve the patient experience.

And much much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date:   Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Time:   2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:   This event is free to attend thanks to our event sponsor. Webinar: How to Protect Yourself and HOA from the Neighborhood Sociopath

How to Protect Yourself and HOA from the Neighborhood Sociopath

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, February 15, 2024
2-3 p.m. Eastern

There seems to be no easing of the tension and aggression at condos and HOAs, and some of it has even tragically resulted in violence. And even if they’re not outwardly violent, the owners and residents who show contempt for and consistently disregard your HOA’s rules can make your life miserable.

One in 25 people is a sociopath, or a person who regularly exhibits asocial or antisocial behavior. Sociopaths look like your everyday neighbors, but they can be scary and intimidating—and they can turn your HOA into a battleground.

Join us for an insightful webinar on February 15 on how to wisely and safely handle the most difficult owners and residents you’ll ever face, led by two community association experts with decades of hands-on experience in advising associations.

You’ll learn:

  • The basics about sociopaths and persons with antisocial personality disorder and why their behavior is particularly destructive in a community association
  • Common types of sociopaths, along with what motivates them
  • The sociopaths you may encounter as a board member based on real-life examples, such as an owner who’s a member a sovereign citizens movement and doesn’t recognize any authority, including your HOA
  • Tips to help you tackle the difficult task of identifying sociopaths, whether they’re owners or fellow board members
  • Practical information to help you respond constructively to the actions of sociopaths you can’t ignore, including things you should be especially concerned about in dealing with sociopaths
  • Information you can use to protect yourself and your HOA
  • And much more!

In just 60 minutes, you’ll hear valuable information you can use now to be smarter when it comes to lessening the damage caused by the most difficult owners, residents, and board members. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.