Privacy-First: How to Ensure Your Healthcare Marketing Aligns with HIPAA [eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Webinar]

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists 

Thursday  |  February 1, 2024   |  2 P.M. Eastern

It may come as a surprise, but taking a privacy-first approach to marketing can unlock technologies and tactics that many healthcare organizations have considered off-limits until now. Learn how you can create a safe-by-default tech stack, eliminate sensitive data, and still have visibility into the customer journey.

Your Presenters:

  • Ray Mina, Head of Marketing, Freshpaint 
  • Doriann Cain, Partner, Faegre Drinker
  • Bridget O’Connor, COO, Fortalice Solutions
  • Edward Rafalski, Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer, BayCare Health System

A little over a year ago, HHS and OCR issued a HIPAA bulletin focused on consumer privacy and the use of tracking technologies that seemed poised to bring digital healthcare marketing to a screeching halt.

Fortunately, solutions have emerged. Organizations that have adopted new processes are successfully using tracking tools without risking a HIPAA breach. If you’re not there yet, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Join us for a free webinar on Thursday February 1 at 2 p.m. ET where you’ll hear from legal, data security, and technology experts, and you’ll learn how healthcare organizations gather insights into customer journeys using tracking tools while protecting sensitive information and maintaining compliance with HIPAA.

You’ll learn:

  • What it means to be privacy-first.
  • Who needs to be involved in process change.
  • How to have constructive conversations with legal and compliance.
  • Why web trackers don’t comply with HIPAA.
  • Which tools you need a BAA (Business Associate Agreement) for.
  • What to do if you can’t get a BAA.

And much much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date: Thursday, February 1, 2024
Time: 2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration: 60 Minutes
Cost: This event is free to attend thanks to our event sponsor. Offers New Webinar on How to Read and Understand Condo/HOA Financial Statements

How to Read Your Association’s Financial Reports (and Fulfill Your Fiduciary Duty)

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, January 18, 2024
2-3 p.m. Eastern

Nobody expects you, as a board member, to be a CPA or a super-high-level financial whiz. But to fulfill your fiduciary duties, you do need to be able to understand your association’s financial statements, ask good questions about its financial status, and spot potential problems.

And in the past four years, these skills have become all the more complicated by the financial stressors COVID-19 placed on you, combined with the hyper-focus on deferred maintenance that has emerged in the wake of the Surfside, Fla., condo collapse—along with today’s stubborn inflation.

This webinar, led by two community association management experts, will help get you there. These two veteran industry leaders will cover:

  • The major financial reports for community associations and what each shows you, from balance sheet and cash flow to bank statements, check stubs, and credit card statements
  • Common issues that arise throughout the year, such as what to do when your budget varies from its original figures
  • The difference between cash and accrual accounting and why it matters
  • How condo/HOA finances have changed for communities in times of COVID, including new budget line items you should consider
  • How to spot potential fraud (Hint: You need to look not just at bank statements but also financial reports, for instance)
  • The role of your advisors:
    • Bookkeeper and CPA (is every bookkeeper a CPA? Is every CPA a bookkeeper? Does it matter?)
    • Banker
    • Manager
    • Attorney
    • Tax advisor
  • Other financial professionals you might want to consider adding to your team, along with where to draw lines between the advisors’ roles)
  • What you need to know to understand investment reports and reserve reports
  • The differences when it comes to financials for self-managed HOAs
  • Recordkeeping: What’s public, what gets shared with members, what just gets summarized, and what doesn’t get shared at all?

In just one hour, you’ll get the information you need to begin confidently reviewing financial reports for your association and identifying when something doesn’t seem right. Register now for this informative event for community association board members. Webinar: The 9 Most Pressing Issues for Condo/HOA Boards In the New Year

The 9 Most Pressing Issues for Condo/HOA Boards In the New Year

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, December 14, 2023
2:00-3:30 p.m. Eastern

You never, ever know with certainty the challenges that will suddenly upend your carefully prepared plans. Even so, the best-run boards will prepare their condo/HOA for the issues their community is most likely to face in the coming year.

We can help you identify and prepare for the challenges of 2024. Join us for a must-attend webinar on December 14. You’ll hear three community association experts with decades of experience discuss the trends they expect to be front and center in 2024, along with what you need to know to ensure you’re ahead of the curve instead of constantly putting out fires.

Here are just six of the hot topics our experts are tracking for their clients:

  • The surprise burden of the Corporate Transparency Act—Odds are lawmakers had no idea this law would have the sweeping effects on condos/HOAs that it does, but its scope is so broad
  • Setting boundaries with the growing group of agitated and angry owners—what you can and should do to protect you and your fellow board members, along with what probably won’t work or won’t fly
  • How you can shift risk—more and more condos and HOAs are focusing on insurance and indemnity clauses in contracts as a means to lessen their potential legal liability
  • Consumer bankruptcies on the rise—What should you expect for your community when it comes to regular assessments and special assessments when a growing number of your owners file for bankruptcy
  • Decision 2024: To allow or to not allow political signs—The latest in disputes we’re seeing over political signs and how you can act now to tamper down tension in your community
  • The feds are still focused on your reserves and structural soundness—Federal agencies haven’t let up in terms of the requirements imposed in the wake of the condo collapse in Surfside, Fla.

In 90 information-packed minutes, you’ll get the information you need to ensure that 2024 is your association’s best and most positive year ever. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.

Practical Applications of AI in Healthcare Marketing: Elevating Patient & Employee Engagement and ROI [eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Webinar]

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists

Wednesday | December 13, 2023 | 2 P.M. Eastern

While there is a lot of noise and hype around AI, this session will focus on taking a practical approach to AI in healthcare marketing. Prepare to be inspired by real-world examples showcasing AI’s transformative impact on consumer engagement, internal communications, and even healthcare recruitment.

Your Presenters:

  • Jenny Collopy, VP, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, The Christ Hospital Health Network
  • John Elder, Co-Founder and CEO, Supernatural
  • Mike Barrett, Co-Founder and CSO, Supernatural
  • Bianca Chaer, Strategist, Supernatural

On the heels of the pandemic and recurring staffing shortages, the healthcare sector has had a challenging few years. The need for more relevant content covering more channels—both externally and internally—has been increasing, while budgets generally have not kept pace with demand. It seems that every year healthcare marketers are asked to do more with less.

Join us for a dive deep into the topic of AI for healthcare marketing and how it can help your organization overcome some of the challenges our industry faces.

You’ll hear from Jenny Collopy, the CMO of The Christ Hospital Health Network, who will share her experiences with, hopes for, and challenges with AI in healthcare communications.

And you’ll hear from experts at Supernatural who have developed an AI-powered platform that helps clients get more work done in less time. Discover how they work with clients to better understand patients, how those patients make decisions, and what their needs are.

Join us December 13 and you’ll discover how to leverage AI to help gain a better understanding of your audience, how to use it to create an external campaign and infuse consistent messaging throughout your organization. You’ll get examples of quick-turn video scripts and social objects, as well as best practices and how to get started.\

You’ll learn:

  • An overview of the general AI landscape: different types of AI, how they are used, and presenters’ point of view on the risk/reward equation of these tools.
  • How to do more than just “Use ChatGPT”
  • The current landscape of AI in healthcare marketing, specifically how more relevant content can help improve marketing outcomes.
  • Where AI is making an impact for people in their day-to-day workflow, right now.
  • How AI can help understand and address the needs of different populations effectively.
  • How AI can customize content to live across multiple platforms for a variety of different audiences.
  • How AI can help optimize healthcare marketing campaigns — specifically:
    • How AI can help you understand the competitive environment
    • How you can use AI to make content
    • How you can use AI to evaluate that content
    • How you can use AI for channel strategy and media planning
And much much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Time: 2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration: 60 Minutes
Cost: Free, thanks to our event sponsor.

Modifying Your Condo/HOA Governing Documents: When It’s Necessary and How to Accomplish it With Less Stress ( Webinar)

Modifying Your Condo/HOA Governing Documents: When It’s Necessary and How to Accomplish It With Less Stress

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, November 16, 2023
2-3 p.m. Eastern

If you’re like most condo/HOA board members, when you’ve read your declaration, your bylaws, or some other governing document, you’ve thought: “Wait, that can’t be right.”

Perhaps your documents are so out of date they mention things you legally can’t do these days, such as prohibit ownership based on race or ban all signs or flags or satellite dishes.

Or perhaps your community has morphed, and you’d like to modify some of the documents to permit owners more latitude or to restrict owners’ rights. Parking, rentals, and pets are all hot-button issues today, and your documents may need to be updated to reflect that.

Or maybe you need to change your documents to remove provisions you don’t enforce and that you and your owners would prefer you not enforce anymore.

Whatever the challenge with your documents, it’s important to ensure that any changes you make are done purposefully and properly.

Join us for a foundational webinar on November 16 for an A-to-Z guide on what to know if you’re considering modifying your governing documents. You’ll hear from two community association lawyers with extensive hands-on experience advising associations.

You’ll learn:

  • How to identify what should be changed in your governing documents and what’s probably not ideal but perhaps not critical to change
  • Specific examples of red light, yellow light, and green light provisions that you must change, that you probably should change, and that you can probably live with
  • General requirements for changing each of the documents in the hierarchy in governing documents, from your declaration to your bylaws down to your rules
  • A step-by-step overview of the process to follow in modifying governing documents, including timelines (spoiler alert: the timeline can be long!)
  • Tips for educating your owners on why changes are necessary and getting their buy-in when their approval is required
  • Best practices for passing amendments to your governing documents
  • Tips to make the entire effort less daunting, less time-consuming, and less contentious
  • And much more!

In just 60 minutes, you’ll hear the most important information you need to assess and update your governing documents to make your job and your owners’ lives better. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.

Everything You Wanted to Know About AI and Healthcare Marketing … But Were Afraid to Ask [eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Webinar]

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists

Wednesday  |  November 15, 2023   |  2 P.M. Eastern 

The buzz around artificial intelligence in healthcare is everywhere, and it is challenging to accurately evaluate AI’s promises to healthcare marketers. Here’s your chance to “talk tech” with AI experts about AI in healthcare marketing and explore how your organization can use AI-based technologies to accelerate your strategic priorities — and avoid the very real risks.

Your Presenters:

  • Rachelle Montano, Vice President of Clinical Strategy, Loyal
  • Matt Cohen, Director of AI, Loyal

Artificial Intelligence is already embedded in many things we do in marketing, from chatbots to social listening to customer insights and more — and it’s only going to grow in importance.

What should a healthcare marketer like you focus on when evaluating AI solutions? What are the risks? Do they outweigh the potential benefits? And how do you factor in the risk of doing nothing and being left behind?

Join us for a free webinar on November 15 at 2 p.m. ET to hear from healthcare industry veteran Rachelle Montano and Loyal’s Director of AI Matt Cohen as they discuss the pros and cons and demystify the hype around artificial intelligence in healthcare.

You’ll learn:

  • About different types of AI technologies and their real use cases.
  • How to evaluate AI-based solutions for your organization and get past the hype.
  • Concrete ways that AI technologies are enhancing marketing today. 
  • Where the biggest risks lurk for healthcare marketers and when you need to proceed with caution. 
  • How to safely test the waters before diving in … so you can avoid the dangers posed by being left behind.
  • What the future holds.

And much more!

Whether your organization is a leader or a lagger in deploying these technologies in your marketing, we guarantee you’ll come away with a deeper understanding of the different types of AI and their potential at your organization — from Natural Language Processing (NLP) to Machine Learning (ML), Predictive Modeling, and Generative AI tools like ChatGPT and others.

Webinar at a Glance

Date:  Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Time:   2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:   This event is free to attend thanks to our event sponsor.

Margo Schneider and Sarah Sommer Join Editorial Advisory Board of eHST

Margo Schneider, senior executive director of digital strategy at UW Medicine

The eHST Editorial Advisory Board is made up of leaders in the healthcare marketing field committed to shaping the future of the industry. They offer ongoing feedback on our editorial coverage, write occasional articles, and point us to developments and people eHST members like you should know about.

I’m very pleased to announce that Margo Schneider and Sarah Sommer have joined this elite group.

Margo Schneider is the Senior Executive Director of Digital Strategy at UW Medicine, where she leads technology, digital experience, content marketing, and creative teams to advance digital innovations that improve the health of the public. Margo also serves on the board of directors for Amplio, a Seattle-based global health nonprofit that develops inclusive digital technology for governments and international development organizations. Read her full bio here.

Sarah Sommer, vice president, digital engagement at Geisinger

Sarah Sommer, MBA, is the Vice President for Digital Engagement within the marketing and communications department at Geisinger. She leads the digital engagement team and is responsible for Geisinger’s enterprise digital marketing and engagement technology portfolio. Read her full bio here.

The other members of the eHST Editorial Advisory Board are:

Ben Dillon, Co-Owner and Chief Executive Officer, Geonetric

Kathy Divis, President, Greystone.Net

Dan Dunlop, President & CEO, Jennings

Danny Fell, Healthcare Leader and Brand Strategist

John Halamka, MD, President, Mayo Clinic Platform

Dalal Haldeman, Ph.D., CEO, Haldeman Marketing, LLC


Suzanne Sawyer, Marketing Communications Health Executive Leader

We are grateful to these Editorial Advisory Board members for sharing their experience and insights, and for helping us deliver insightful content that makes a difference to members like you.

Best regards,
Matt Humphrey
President Offers New Webinar on Condo/HOA Rules Enforcement

Enforcement of Your HOA’s Rules: How to Create Enforceable Rules, Effective Fines, and a Fair Violation Process

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, October 12, 2023
2-3 p.m. Eastern

Enforcing your condo or HOA’s rules doesn’t have to be a pitched, tense, and unpleasant battle between your board and your homeowners. With some smart planning, you can make enforcing your HOA’s rules quicker, easier, and less stressful.

Join us for an in-depth webinar on October 12 led by two community association experts who have decades of hands-on experience in advising associations on how to create and enforce rules and insights on the day-to-day operations of rules enforcement. You’ll get up-to-date practical ideas, systems, and processes you can begin to take advantage of at your association the minute the webinar ends.

You’ll learn:

  • The role of the lowly rule in HOAs, being less powerful than a CC&R or a bylaw, but easier to implement than provisions in those weightier documents
  • How to determine the steps you need to follow to create enforceable rules
  • Tips for identifying what you can handle with a rule and what you should never try to accomplish through a rule
  • How fines fit into rulemaking, including how to set an effective fine amount and how to know when you’ve gone too far with a fine
  • The steps you need to take to create an effective violation system — from notice of a violation to providing a meaningful right for owners to state their defense at a fair hearing
  • Insights into rules you’ll never be able to enforce and fines that’ll fall short of their goal to curb repeated violations
  • Suggestions to help you avoid the most common mistakes boards make creating and enforcing their rules
  • And much more!

In just 60 minutes, you’ll gain practical, valuable tools you can use right away to make your rules more enforceable and your violation process more fair. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.

eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Offers New Webinar on Recent HIPAA Guidance From HHS

A new IASC webinar for leaders at senior care and LTC facilities.

Wednesday  | October 4, 2023  |  2 P.M. Eastern 

Late last year, the Department of Health and Human Services released new guidance on HIPAA regulations to cover online tracking technologies that could compromise consumer privacy. Healthcare marketers must take a proactive role in responding. Are you ready?

Your Presenter:

Ben Dillon, Co-Owner and Chief Executive Officer, Geonetric

In December 2022, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released new guidance on the use of marketing tracking technology under HIPAA. Recent communications from HHS and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) indicate that covered entities should be moving now to make the required changes.

Unfortunately, the guidance has raised more questions than it has answered. A recent study suggests that if the guidance is taken at face value, 99 percent of health systems fail to meet the new standards.

To better understand how the industry is responding, Geonetric conducted its own analysis, and through conversations with dozens of healthcare organizations and their compliance and legal teams, identified a wide range of interpretations of the new rules. Based on these findings, this webinar will give marketers the tools you need to help your organization navigate these significant changes.

Join us for a free webinar on Wednesday, Oct. 4, and hear just how much the HHS guidance impacts healthcare — and how the impact goes far beyond ad tracking technologies.  

You’ll learn:

  • What the HHS guidance is, and how it relates to PHI and HIPAA
  • Why every healthcare organization should be thinking about how they use marketing trackers and other ad technologies.
  • Implications for healthcare that go beyond tracking pixels.
  • How to engage in a risk assessment process.
  • How to develop a process for achieving and maintaining compliance in the future.
  • And much more!

HOA Reserves and Other Funding Options: Tips for Everyday Smart Money Management [ Webinar]

HOA Reserves and Other Funding Options: Tips for Everyday Smart Money Management

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023
2-3 p.m. Eastern

Money is one of the most contentious issues you’ll manage at your HOA. There’s always an owner—or many—who’ll challenge your financial decisions. Whether it’s how much money to collect from owners in assessments, how much money to spend on maintenance and repairs, or how much money to set aside in your reserves for those inevitable projects, your actions will be put under a microscope.

Keep calm and join our webinar for vital information on how you can effectively fund your association’s reserves in one-hour webinar on September 14 led by three community association experts—one a manager, one a lawyer, and one a reserves analyst.

They’ll explain what you need to know about HOA reserves and other funding mechanisms. They’ll also reveal the smartest moves you can make to ensure your HOA can pay for needed maintenance and repair projects and everyday HOA operations.

You’ll learn:

  • The role of reserves at an HOA, including the new three-part test defining what’s appropriate to fund through reserves
  • How state laws differ in requirements for reserves, ranging from states that don’t have any laws specifically governing HOA reserves to those that require reserve studies or certain reserve levels—and states in between that permit HOAs to not fund reserves if owners approve such a move
  • What you should know about reserve and money management to ensure you meet your fiduciary duties and responsibilities
  • When and how to conduct a reserve study
  • The consequences of underfunding reserves
  • How to help your owners take their focus off the goal of “low monthly assessments”
  • Pros and cons of various funding mechanisms: budgeted contributions, one-time special assessments, and loans
  • The most common mistakes boards make when funding HOA repair projects, whether through reserves or another funding method
  • And much more!

After just one hour, you’ll know the HOA industry’s best practices when it comes to money matters at your HOA. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.