HOAleader.com Webinar: The 9 Most Pressing Issues for Condo/HOA Boards In the New Year

The 9 Most Pressing Issues for Condo/HOA Boards In the New Year

An HOAleader.com Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, December 14, 2023
2:00-3:30 p.m. Eastern

You never, ever know with certainty the challenges that will suddenly upend your carefully prepared plans. Even so, the best-run boards will prepare their condo/HOA for the issues their community is most likely to face in the coming year.

We can help you identify and prepare for the challenges of 2024. Join us for a must-attend webinar on December 14. You’ll hear three community association experts with decades of experience discuss the trends they expect to be front and center in 2024, along with what you need to know to ensure you’re ahead of the curve instead of constantly putting out fires.

Here are just six of the hot topics our experts are tracking for their clients:

  • The surprise burden of the Corporate Transparency Act—Odds are lawmakers had no idea this law would have the sweeping effects on condos/HOAs that it does, but its scope is so broad
  • Setting boundaries with the growing group of agitated and angry owners—what you can and should do to protect you and your fellow board members, along with what probably won’t work or won’t fly
  • How you can shift risk—more and more condos and HOAs are focusing on insurance and indemnity clauses in contracts as a means to lessen their potential legal liability
  • Consumer bankruptcies on the rise—What should you expect for your community when it comes to regular assessments and special assessments when a growing number of your owners file for bankruptcy
  • Decision 2024: To allow or to not allow political signs—The latest in disputes we’re seeing over political signs and how you can act now to tamper down tension in your community
  • The feds are still focused on your reserves and structural soundness—Federal agencies haven’t let up in terms of the requirements imposed in the wake of the condo collapse in Surfside, Fla.

In 90 information-packed minutes, you’ll get the information you need to ensure that 2024 is your association’s best and most positive year ever. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.